
As a publisher we give
you NET 30 days payment. We give you the best paying ads. Our CPM's are higher compared to
market because large proportion of our advertisers are paying on the CPM. Besides these all of
our ads are manually verified so we give you the best ads.
If you are sending more than 1 million traffic to us we can work on a backfill solution. We can
also implement custom solution that you would like to see only "Health" ads or any categories
you do not want or any brands you would not like to appear.

Simple Advantages
- Setting floors and manage residual inventory.
- Best fill rates and CPM.
- Quality control in terms of including/excluding categories,brands,technical attributes, specific advertisers, brands.
- Brand safety as we work on and manage all ads for malware protection, brand safety,etc.
- Full transparent AppNexus login giving you real time reporting.
Minimum Requirements
- Min 5000 pvs daily.
- Your website should not have any sensitive attributes like :-
- Gambling , Toolbar download.
- Gaming, Adult, etc.
- Our ads should not be placed on pop ups or one pixel or fake or multiple ads more than 3 units in a page is not allowed.
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