Chatbot for Business
![rtb demand](images/heading-line-orange.png)
Close your eyes and imagine.
- You’re browsing your CRM database (or an Excel spreadsheet, whichever works for you).
- You’re seeing contact details of hundreds of people. Their names, email addresses, maybe some phone numbers as well.
- They are your prospects who expressed an interest in your product or services and left their details willingly. You have their permission to reach them out.
- Each contact is an opportunity. Each of these people behind an email or phone number could become your customer.
Learn more about How Chatbot is bridging the Performance Campaigns for the Advertisers.
![rtb demand](images/heading-line-orange.png)
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Live chat and chatbots are great multi-purpose lead generation tools that can expand the pool of your potential customers.
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Live Chat and Chatbots as Lead Generation Tools
- Live chat and chatbots are great multi-purpose lead generation tools that can expand the pool of your potential customers.
- Collect the contact details from the visitor through the live conversation
- Automate active engagement with the visitors and prevent them from leaving your website
- Offer help whenever you or your live chat operators are busy or offline. And if the issue is more complex, collect the contact details so that a live chat operator can get back to the visitor later
- Engage the visitor at any point of their user journey, be it on your website, Facebook fan page, or mobile app
- Offer visitors fun, conversational and engaging way for signing up for a newsletter, leaving a query, or registering their account
- Quickly refer qualified leads to the live chat operators (or your sales team) to strike while the iron is hot
- When it comes to live chat and chatbots benefits, almost every business area gets its share. That includes customer service, marketing, sales, and, of course, lead generation. There are countless chatbot examples online that prove their effectiveness and popularity.
- And what’s also important, live chat and chatbots are very cost-effective tools that can be set up in a matter of minutes.
Request a Demo How Chatbot is bridging the Performance Campaigns for the Advertisers.
![rtb demand](images/reqdemo1.png)
![rtb demand](images/reqdemo2.png)
![rtb demand](images/reqdemo3.png)
![rtb demand](images/reqdemo4.png)